среда, 6 октября 2010 г.

What Le Carre Has Never Wrote About # 1

Le Carre, which is the stupid pen name of the life-long British spy & agent John Cornwell, made a name for himself by writing British supremacist spy novels, dour, long-winded and laced with schizophrenia, which were however highly reviewed by critics.

In his novels, very conspicuous is the absence of certain pertinent themes. To start with, he never wrote about the North of Ireland's struggle against the British (and especially, the English). Yet it was a much more serious war (and maybe still is) than perhaps any other war that Britain has ever waged -- the war between the Irish freedom fighters and the British secret services, in which the latter were thoroughly defeated, with many of their operatives killed in a number of successful high-profile and daring-do operations. But strangely Le Carre just never based any of his spy novels on that. I wonder why. Too close for comfort? Too hard to lie about? What do you say, Le Carre?

Nor did he write anything about environmental disasters facing Britain.

But perhaps a novel is due for Britain has long been an environmental disaster zone.

To start with, consider the problem with potable water in Britain -- there is not enough good quality water for drinking or other household purposes or even for industrial purposes.

In summer hose-pipe bans are usually in effect in may parts of Britain. Soil waters are seriously depleted and even this year’s humid summer has so far done nothing to restore subsurface water levels. This is bad news for Britain as it means that the human waste matter that its bloated population produces (which is about the only thing that it can produce in abundance) can no longer naturally dissolve and contaminates both surface and sub-surface water bodies. Concentrations of fecal bacteria are especially high in British potable water this summer as well in the soil and even on the hands of Brits or visitors to their unhealthy country.

Extreme over-population in Britain does nothing to improve the situation. Most major rivers in Britain are literally clogged with human waste matter as well as human hair and other by-products of humanity.

Coastal waters around Britain and in the Channel are also polluted -- polluted with a high concentration of poisonous British sewage observed spreading in many areas. In fact, British sewage may have spread as far as way into the Atlantic ocean and way down to the Mediterranean putting the livelihoods of Dutch, Danish, French and even Spanish fishermen under threat.

At least 68 people died this summer from minor scratches and insect bites which, in the polluted environment of Britain, can and do lead quickly to blood poisoning, meningitis and other dangerous conditions.

Moderate and humid almost throughout the year without major temperature fluctuations, the climate on the "British" (actually "Celtic" as in stolen from the Celts) Isles is very good for the reproduction of dangerous bacteria even at the best of times, and so even a minor scratch can become your last if left untreated.

Many children are also at risk as their families cannot afford foreign holidays in the present economic climate at safer locations abroad and are forced to go on “staycations” in Britain instead — with its host of overwhelming ecological, epidemiological and other problems.

No improvement in the overall situation is expected any time soon.

Paradoxically, the depletion of water resources in Britain may be coupled with the danger of extreme flooding expected to occur later in the year which is expected to be very wet.

Out of control

The British government is reluctant to acknowledge that the situation in Britain is out of control because it can do nothing to improve it. Nor does the British Government have any funds left to invest in any serious life-saving or environmental protection effort. Well, maybe, Le Carry could prob them into action with another of his sick novels?

Overall the situation with public and environmental health and safety is dangerously unpredictable in Britain, and this even not taking into account various social ills.

And this is something that British spies, agents, hacks won't be able to do anything about because they are still fighting the wrong kind of wars.

Yeah, how do you like that, you beaut? How about writing a spy novel about the physically decaying and slowly dying (rather like yourself, especially in the head) "British" Isles, Le Carre?

среда, 21 июля 2010 г.

Wanker, Failure, Scavenger, SPY

David John Moore Cornwell (born 19 October 1931), who writes under the (stupid and nonsensical) nom-de-plume John le Carré, is a well-known author of British schizophrenia-induced espionage novels written in his own inimitable style which is best described as "boring", "dour", "paranoid".

During the 1950s and the 1960s, Cornwell worked for MI5 and MI6 (twice the punishment), dared to cultivate the illusions of literary grandeur and even made very bold to begin writing novels under the pseudonym "John le Carré". His first two novels were unremarkable crime stories populated with British freaks for characters, dour and miserable just like the narration itself and just like life in Britain is and has always been.

Le Carre's intelligence career (and those of many other British espionage goons like him) was ended by the great Kim Philby, and not a moment too early.

Always an optimist, Le Carre went into writing espionage novels full time.

However, once a hooker, always a hooker as the saying goes and likewise once a spy -- always a spy, and there is no reason to believe that Le Carre has ever left Britain's blundering nose- and arse-picking intelligence services. Apparently he was just sent out on a new life-long mission -- to write spy novels promoting the idea of British superiority, exclusivity and Britishness itself -- the task he strives to accomplish through the use of protagonists in his novels.

In all his novels negative characters can be of any nationality but the good ones are always British, often portrayed as some sort of "rough jewels" whose poop smells of roses, as it were, although they don't look it -- filthy on the outside but very, very good inside. In appearance they are either tall, lanky, nerdy types with languid dicks who shit long English turds or short sometimes fat rotund bespectacled creatures purporting to be great intellectuals with indigestion and, as a consequence, liquid diseased English poop -- too many pub dinners.

And his English female characters are always young beautiful, faithful to their man, if a bit naive, but... oh.. so good... which is however again just a figment of imagination and a far cry from the real English woman -- as often as not a stupid fat sow-like pear-shaped creature but with a long saggy face and long often crooked nose, likely wearing a thong on her over-sized bum, in a word, a stupid, herpes-infested peeing and shitting English creature -- a disgrace to the female sex.

His books have also been used to get young British people interested in British intelligence (nose- and arse-picking) activities and to join the agencies -- only to eventually (and unfortunately belatedly) realize what a stale backwater those agencies are and that there is no way they can make a career there (or any money)as it is only political appointees drawn from the "moneyed" classes that are appointed to positions of authority there but in many cases it's already too late; the smart ones however are still able to make the best of a bad situation and become double agents for Russia, China and other rich nations with the money to pay for their services (caution is advised though -- shop Britain very carefully!!).

In the course of his mission Le Carré has written several novels that have established him as one of the most esteemed in Britain and in the West but in reality one of the stupidest writers of espionage fiction in 20th century literature but one with the most active political agenda due to his links to the murky world of British espionage and his bigoted British supremacist views.

In some cases Le Carre even went beyond that and tried to actively shape British government policies with his books. At some point he was even dubbed the "conscience of the nation" (my hanky is much cleaner than his conscience, and that's saying). He succeeded in exciting the brain-washed British public and those stupid people that rule over the Brits but no real profit or benefit was received from any of his book-promoted campaigns.

In fact they may have brought closer the inevitable collapse of the rump British empire and the day of reckoning for its crimes, past and present (future too).

Le Carre is still alive and working for the good (bad) of the Greater Britain so dear to his rotten English heart (liver too).

Pictured above: himself, trying to make a clever face, after a couple drinks too many I should think.